Monday, July 25, 2011


Yesterday morning I woke up to Danny asking me if I had any dreams the night before. I said that I didn’t.. not any that I could remember at least. He then proceeds to tell me about his dream:

Danny: I dreamed that I was on the Bachelorette and when I walked out of the Limo I gave the girl the 7 Languages of Love book and said, “ I want to know what love language you are so read this book and we will talk about it more inside.”

HAHAHA! I couldn’t stop laughing.. but the funny thing is.. he really thinks that would be sweet. Oh Danny!

Danny had Hank during the 3rd hour of church and I found him like this:

Totally asleep!
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I took Whitney to the bathroom and she pooped. She asked me if she could touch it. I very firmly said, “No, that is really gross. We don’t touch poop.” I took her to the bathroom later that night. She pooped again. I turned my back on her for 1 second and she had her hand in the toilet inches away from trying to touch her poop. Uh… so gross! I quickly pulled back her hand and explained to her that we do NOT PLAY WITH OR TOUCH POOP!! Yuck!

My cousin Sara and her husband Mike are moving to DC for a couple of years on an internship. We had a fun farewell party for them hosted by Scott and Lori. (We came to the tail end of it bc we had another party with Danny’s family.. and sadly I didn’t take any pictures. L) We did some fireworks, played some Dance Dance and had a great time! Good luck Sara and Mike.. we will miss you guys!

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