Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Here are my honest confessions:

I feel like I am always tired.. working full time and then switching to full time mom wears me out. Especially with Whitney, who doesn't stop for 1 second. Any tips on finding some energy??

I love naps and would take one every day if I was able to! Any chance that I get to take a nap, I am ALL over it!

I feel like I’m "enrolled in parenting 505" with Whitney.. As much as I love her.. She is hard and loves to test my patience! She fights me in everything. Brushing teeth, combing hair, taking baths. I feel like I’m bribing her all day long to get her to do the normal every day things. There was one day that it took us 2 hours to clean her room because I refused to do it. And sometimes I have to pin her down on her bed to comb her hair because she hates it!- But it needs to be done so what do you do??

I love “Good Luck Charlie” on the Disney Channel.

I make my bed about once a week.

I hate doing laundry!

My house is never clean. I feel like I pick up messes all day long but really DEEP clean, never!

I am such a procrastinator and I hate it. I am scrambling every Sunday morning to get my yw lessons ready and be on time to church.

I am a huge pushover.

I will probably never be comfortable with my body.

My biggest confession: I made Danny get rid of the chickens.—What a big mean jerk I am! I feel really guilty about it.. but the poop, smells and mice that they brought just really got to me. I’m a cold hearted mean wife. Sorry, Danny! Maybe in heaven you can have chickens. I'm sure I will like mice then and they probably won't poop or I won't care.

Last night we had, yet again, another family party. My family loves any type of excuse to get together and we love any type of excuse to attend. I got off work early and we went to Cookie and Steve’s for swimming, dinner, and fireworks. Always fun!

Whitney cracks me up. She fell asleep in the car with her ring pop in her mouth and it was quite the battle trying to take it away from her when we got home! :)


Steve striking a pose.

Watching fireworks in the rain.

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Anonymous said...

the toughest job is being a mommy. Advice comes from everywhere but as I too am learning I have realized sometimes its okay to let them find their Independence and going without the hair done or a bath is okay. dont sweat the small stuff. Once you relax she will eventually come around too. just love them for being unique.

The Neilson Family said...

Oh Mind, I am proud of you. I need to confess mine as well. We all have many of them. I also love that you had him get rid of the chickens. Sorry Dan, I am on Minds side. You are the best wife and mommy!!!

lee said...
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Lauren Bigelow said...

Mindi I am pretty sure I feel many of things too! I'm always always tired. You are such a good mom and wife! I don't blame you for the chickens! I wouldn't of allowed them in the first place!

AG said...

Oh mind.. you do everything so great! You are one in a million that could do everything you do. HONESTLY! Whitney is adorable, fun, sweet,kind and independent and that is what we want from our kids and she is it all!!

Jamie said...

See...MINDI...this is what I LOVE about honest blogs. You are not alone sister. I'm always tired. Sometimes if I need to I take green tea pills--love 'em. Also, there is no way in hell I would have chickens. And also, being a mom is hard. You're not alone!! Love ya Mindi!!!

Chris and Hilary said...

Mindi, you are adorable and I am amazed at your ability to work full time and raise two kids. I don't work, and my house is a mess ALL THE TIME! And for the record, when we worked together I was always so jealous of your cute little figure!