Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This week I have had such an intense love for my kids. You always love your kids, but for some reason it has been all consuming to the point that I want to wake up Hank from his naps to play with him or let Whit stay up real late just to spend time with her.

I just finished my 8 hour work shift today and had aching pains because I missed my kids so bad. Every time I get home from work I drill Danny with the 20 questions. How were the kids? Did Hank do anything funny? What time did he go to sleep? Did Whitney eat a good dinner? Tell me everything... You can imagine Danny. He just loves my annoying questions.

My work has a gym that I go to after and as I was on my way I called Danny and cute Whitney answered the phone (she should have been asleep) but she said, "Mommy, I want you to come home." in thee sweetest voice possible! So I rushed home just so I could spend 5 minutes with her before she fell asleep. A work out can wait..

We have finally come up with a good bedtime routine with Whitney (that doesn't take 3 hours long) and I am so excited about it! We have been using some Love and Logic techniques and they have been working beautifully! We will read a couple of chapters from her kid BOM. I do still have to lay with her until she falls asleep, but she likes me to read whatever book I'm reading out loud. She just likes to hear my voice, I guess. But she usually falls asleep within 5 to 1o minutes which is soo much better than the 1 hour +. So I'm grateful for that!

Now Hank.. He is the funniest goofiest kid alive. I'm obsessed with his sweetness. He is constantly making us laugh by the goofy things that he does. Sometimes, Whit and I get laughing so hard at Hank that he starts laughing and it just cycles. He keeps doing whatever goofy thing he is doing.. whether it be dancing, funny faces, glares/squints. He just wants to make us laugh.. He is just like his daddy in that regard.

Kids are so fun. They make life so much more meaningful. I love my 2 little crazies and am so grateful for them!

Look how cute Zoe is. My kids LOVE their new baby cousin!!

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1 comment:

Jenny Hart Turk said...

I need to start reading that! When do we want to do our class to talk about it :) ??