Friday, August 12, 2011

Catching Worms

I love the simplicity of childhood and their enthusiasm for the little things in life.

The other day grandpa Whit called little Whit and had the cutest phone conversation. He asked her if she wanted to come over for a play date to catch worms in the back yard. ( We were going fishing at Danny's cabin the following day.) She excitedly yelled, "YES!".. and you should have seen this girl's smile... it was from ear to ear. She told grandpa that she would be "very brave to catch the worms and fast." And she was. They caught worm after worm.

When we got home that night, she ran in the house and told Danny all about catching the worms.. with so much energy and excitement.

I wish I was more like her. Enjoying the most simple creations.. maybe not worms per-se , but chickens?? ;)

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