This year was perfect, though. He did get me real flowers (he will never make that mistake again) and when I got done working that night, all the lights were off, some good 80's love music was on, and Whit was sitting at the table pouring herself Diet Coke into a champagne glass. :) She cracks me up! We enjoyed my favorite meal.. Little Caesar's Pizza with crazy bread.. and danced with our kids in the candle light. Oh and to top it off.. Danny bought me some very nice and expensive Ralph Lauren perfume.. from the Dollar Store. :)
Whit decorating the table for me. Mo.. hiding under the table just waiting for someone to drop him some food.
We decided to do some Valentine's for a few of Whit's friends this year. They said "Pucker Up" and we gave her friends a little lapstick and lip candy. Whit had so much fun delivering the valentines and giving her friends her favorite thing... lapsticks of course! She would knock on the door and then run as fast as she could back to the car. I seriously love her.