Friday, August 20, 2010

Potty Training and Pregnancy

I was bound and determined to get Whitney potty trained before the new baby arrives. Diapers are stinkin expensive and I am not about ready to spend $100/month on diapers for Whitney and Hank. We have tried a couple different times to get Whitney potty trained all of which were unsuccessful. One of the times ended with Whitney picking up her potty, throwing it in my room, slamming the door shut, and yelling: "I DON'T TO GO TO THE BATHROOM." We gave up after that tantrum. I decided to try again a couple of weeks ago.. the first couple of days were rough and I was about ready to give up and then... she finally got it!!!! WAHOO!! No more diapers. She has had VERY FEW accidents and it feels like the biggest accomplishment! She is so independent about it now that when we go to a public bathroom she won't even let me in the stall anymore. She makes me wait outside the door while she goes to the bathroom. I'm so proud of my little big girl!!

Now for the pregnancy.. I feel and look like I'm about ready to pop. I am excited to get this baby out of me! I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I am dilated to a 2 and the doctor said that I could go anytime. If I don't have him by August 31st then he will induce me so we are working on getting this kiddo out. I am pretty crampy and am having braxton hicks very often so hopefully it's sooner than later. Can't wait to meet little Hank! Lots of changes coming our way and we are excited!


Lauren Bigelow said...

Wow good job Mindi! I seriously think potty training would be so hard! I can't believe how soon you're having the baby! I'm so excited to see him!

Anonymous said...

when I saw how dang cute you looked the other day at Thanksgiving Point I just wanted to squeeze you! Congrats on the potty training thats fantastic!

laura said...

even though my d-day is monday, i bet you are going to have your baby before me!! how did that happen?? :) good luck, we are thinking of you guys!!! xoxo