Thursday, August 9, 2012

Grandma Donna's

Ever since I can remember, Sunday nights were spent at grandma Donna’s. It was my favorite growing up. It was always a good jump start for my week...

Now with 2 little ones of my own, I can’t think of anything I would rather do then go up to grandma Donna’s, eat popsicles on summer nights and play outside.

And my kids absolutely love it.

Growing up in the summer, my cousins, siblings, and I were inseparable. Every day there was an activity and every Sunday night we played night games..way past our bedtime (poor parenting) (PS to this day.. I am still the best at capture the flag).. and then we would beg our parents to let us have a slumber party at grandma’s.

It was a good carefree simple life.

Many many many basketball games have been played on grandma’s court. (I was a major tomboy for a couple of years.) And we decided to try and “re-live” those carefree days by playing a little game.

Me and Scoot VS Ali and Kyle.
Recap of the very disappointing game:
1. I am really out of shape.. Basketball is energy draining.
2. Ali is a lot better than I remembered.
3. I picked the teams, picking Scooter because I thought, for sure, it would be an easy win.
4. We totally lost and Ali made the winning shot.. Not gonna lie, I was pretty bummed out.

But the best part about the whole night, was watching the 3rd generation kids sit on the sidelines as they cheered us on and as we watch them now create their own “Grandma Donna Sunday Night Memories.”

They are the best kind of memories any kid could have!


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AG said...

Ha i loveit! True rematch with shoes/no skirt! Do you think we could beat them?

Kari said...

This made me smile. I absolutely love Grandma's on Sunday nights too. I think it might be a little slice of heaven on earth.