Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Poor Me and My First Marathon

 A week before my first ever marathon my eye started killing me!
I wear contacts and I'll be honest, I suck at changing them out. In fact, I will go an entire month without even taking them out..
 So when I went to the optometrist and they told me I had a really bad ulcer in my eye. Like a really bad ulcer. I kinda started freaking out.
I'm an idiot for not changing my contacts and I am paying for it.
 For 2 days my eye was swollen shut. I would wake up and have to pry it open. It was awful. I couldn't even go out in the sun without piercing pain {hence the picture below.. hat.. glasses.. and sunglasses on top of my glasses.. Super stylish, right!?! ;)}
Anyway's it was a dumb thing to have to go through. I have to go to the optometrist every day so they can check on my eye. My teeny tiny bottle of drops cost me $90 and I have to take those on top of 2 other drops 6 x's a day.
AND I had to run my marathon in my geeky glasses that are probably 6 + years old..
Poor me..
{Note to Self: Always change and take out thee contacts.. better yet GET LASIK!!}

Oh and I did finish my marathon.
It was a good experience and
I will probably not do another any time soon. ;)

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Amber said...

you are amazing! i could never do a marathon! and lasik is the best thing we ever did for my hubby- u should invest and it's a tax write off!!! :)

Bekah said...

What a buff girl! I've always wanted to do a marathon. I want to hear all about it.

Lauren Bigelow said...

Mindi I think you look cute in your glasses! If it makes you feel any better I felt like I was going to pass out after a 5k once! Sorry about your eye, hope it's feeling better!