Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Family Fun

We are getting geared up for some summer fun.
Loving the warm weather.

There is a new splash pad at a park in Sandy/Midvale area. I think the name of the park is Mountview Park.. can't remember.. but the kids had fun!

We went to Gateway mall and played in the fountains and got treats with the Gleason's.

It's not very often that between my work, Danny's work and both our church callings that we ever get a week night together as a family. One Thursday we had a 2 hour gap before Danny had church meetings so we took full advantage of it and headed to Draper park with pizza and a kite.
I couldn't get Danny to leave.. He wanted to fly his darn $2 kite all night long.

Lastly, every year we spend an evening up at the Terraces in Millcreek canyon for a picnic with the Hart family.
Some of grandma Donna's great grand babies.. look at all those boys!

The girl cousins.
Lastly, Danny and I enjoyed a DATE NIGHT! We haven't been on a date night (no kids) since March so it was over due and we were excited! {hence the picture}
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1 comment:

Lindsey Sharp said...

you looks so cute in your date night picture! love your outfit!