The last talk given by Elder Wirthlin before he passed away was entitled "Come What May, and Love It." To read his full message click
here. It's an EXCELLENT talk! The whole talk is awesome but here is a quote that I really liked:
" has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don’t sing and bells don’t ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result.....the way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life. If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness."
Our little family is venturing off into uncharted waters. Due to a series of sad events, Danny lost his job on Friday. Not through any negligence on his part though. He put as much effort into this job as humanly possible but it just didn't work out. Grateful for a husband who see's the positive in every situation (really nothing seems to get him down) he has helped me realize that this is just an opportunity for us to learn and grow from.. and he is actually excited. He is excited for what the Lord has in store for us. Granted we may not have a lot in terms of "monetary" things but we do have each other and as cheesy as that sounds that is enough. Luckily I have a job and am able to pick up 40 hours a week. It is just interesting though. I'm trying to figure out why the Lord wants us to go through this trial? Whatever the reason, whatever we need to learn, we will do it and have faith and trust that everything will work out for the best.
On a lighter note... the kids have L.O.V.E.D having daddy home these last couple of days. Here is what Danny and his side kick (Whitney) have been up to.
Day 1: 10 AM... Danny is already getting anxious and says to me. "Geez, I don't know if I can stay home all day."
Day 2: Mommy had to work 10 hours.. Not totally cut out for that yet.. it wasn't 10 hours straight though so it wasn't that bad.- And I work from home so I can't complain. I got off of work and Whitney freaked out, started crying and said: " No mommy. Go back to work!" Geez... at least my little guy was excited to see me! Hank loves to save his best smiles for his momma. He is my tender mercy! I love him.
Also, Danny decided to torture our poor daughter with a duck puppet. She was bawling/laughing. She couldn't decide if she was scared or not. In the end, she decided she really liked the duck puppet and insisted on sleeping with it. We got her to bed, the duck and all.. and 5 minutes later she screams at the top of her lungs (not crying but just screaming for her own pleasure.) We go in her room and asked her why she was screaming. She said, "I wasn't screaming, the duck was." 5 minutes later.. same thing. That happened at least 3 times until we finally threatened to take it away and then she stopped. She is something, I tell ya!
Day 3: Whitney is her daddy's shadow. She loves to do anything that Danny is doing. If Danny is fixing the sink, then she is fixing the sink with him and is asking a million questions along the way. She pretty much just follows him around. Today Danny was holding the chickens, Whitney was holding the chickens.
I got done working today and found Danny teaching Whitney how to play an Xbox game. And she actually knew how to do it! I was impressed. Later in the day I had to work again and I said to Whitney, " Oh I wish I could stay and play with you, daddy, and Hank. " She put her hand on my face and said, "It's ok sweetheart. I will watch Hank, you go work." What's Hank doing through all of this?? Just being my sweet boy and taking it all in!
So tomorrow is Day 4 and I think that I am going to send Danny off to lunch with some friends... for a couple of hours.. no rush to get home! :) I'm joking.. but really he has been a huge help around the house and with the kids. Danny is quite the organizer as he has already organized our whole kitchen, garage, and car. (With Whitney right there to help him.)
The pace of life has slowed dramatically for Danny. Instead of his 12 + hours a day at work, he is home and enjoying the little moments spent together as a family. Yes, he is going to try find a job and find one quickly but these simple days are fun and we have decided as a family that "whatever comes our way, we will love it."
Danny torturing Whitney with the duck puppet.

Whitney going to sleep with Mr. Duck