Saturday, August 17, 2013

Zion's Hike

We went down to St George the weekend of July 27th with a hiking permit and intentions of hiking 'The Subway' in Zion's National Park.
Unfortunately, there had been 3 previous flash floods that week in that particular canyon, so we were advised that it would not be safe to hike it.
Sooo, we decided not to and instead we hiked the Checkerboard Mesa Canyon.
We started the hike at 9:30 AM and didn't get finished until 9:30 PM. {yikes}
It was an insane 12 hours, but so incredibly awesome and funny and an experience we will never forget!

A brief summary:
*We got lost! {awesome, right!?!}*
*It was a beautiful canyon.*
*The company was incredibly fun and we laughed lots.*
*There was a scary stint of dehydration.*
*We swam in chocolate milk {at least that is what the water looked like.}*
*We got caught in a flash flood and now have a much greater appreciation for mother nature. ;)*
*We finished, some of us had a late night dinner at Chili's in St George and then we all crashed a college hot tub in our filthy- dirty soaked clothes. {it was awesome.}*

Pre hike:

A dead ram infested with millions of maggots:

Now you see him:

Now you don't:
{Danny doing push up's in the water..kinda gross!}

Post hike:

And the day after:
{We ate and ate and ate and ate.. The Bear Paw is delish!!!}

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