Last week we tagged along with Danny on a business trip.
It was our first trip with just the 4 of us and we had a great time.
We ate at lots of yummy places.
Hank is not at the age where he enjoys sit down restaurants and it's a lot of work to keep him entertained. I don't know why we force it, but it's worth it for good sushi!!
It was our first trip with just the 4 of us and we had a great time.
We ate at lots of yummy places.
Hank is not at the age where he enjoys sit down restaurants and it's a lot of work to keep him entertained. I don't know why we force it, but it's worth it for good sushi!!

So we drove to Arizona which is an awfully loonnnggg drive.
However, the kids did AMAZING!
I think I was more annoying than they were.
Every time we stopped at a gas station, Whitney had to get her pink bubble gum and Hank always picked out powdered donuts. Awesome! ;) You can imagine how crazy that made Danny.. all the powder in his car. Ha ha love it!
While Danny worked we played at the hotel. The weather was great. Low 70's, but the pool was heated so we swam and the kids loved that!
Hotel play time.
Horse back riding:
Hank didn't like it so much, but Whitney absolutely loved it!
She talked non stop to the cowboy and told Danny that she wants a mini horse for her 4th birthday.
One of the main reason for tagging a long on was the anticipation of doing a little bit of shopping! In Arizona they have a store called Last Chance. It quite literally looks and is just like a DI buuuttt it is a Nordstrom's DI. Any returns that come back to Nordstrom's comes to this store and you can find some crazy good deals for super super cheap. Fabulous! In past trips, Danny has found some awesome stuff for himself and the kids. This time around though, the selection was not so great. Bummer! :(
On the way home we did the 10 hour drive in 1 day.. again.. the kids were awesome! We stopped in St George for a couple of hours and hiked on the red rocks. They thought it was pretty cool.